
HE went from his head to his heart.......

 Today is the 6th anniversary of the day  the Lord moved from my husbands head to his heart.

It just so happens to be Valentines Day too.

 We had just started going to New Song Church and had gone to our first small group the night before. That night was amazing- that night we knew we had come into a season that we had been searching for. We had come into this relationship with Jesus fully expecting that the counterfeit supernatural experiences were going to pale in comparison to the real supernaturalness of Christ and our experiences with Him. We are so thankful that we did. We came ready with "eyes to hear and ears to hear" and community was a big part of that expectation. Micah and I are very social and community driven. We know the place that a good group of people can hold in your life. We had said good bye to the community of friends we had had. Our direction had fully changed and though we still loved them and wished we could be with them, it was apparent that if we were going to let everything about us be up for change, we had to step out of that group. We expected that Jesus would supply the people he wanted us to walk with.
 We had found them, we felt it that night. It was very powerful, Jesus was with us there at the Hayes's house. He was welcoming us all to walk together for a very powerful season. This group of people will forever be sealed in our hearts. They walked with us through the very beginning of us knowing Jesus. They really introduced us to Him. They showed us parts of who He is through how they led and loved us. They walked us through the letting go of a lot of pain and introduced us to powerful truths. They led us to a deep understanding of the freedom we have in Christ. They showed us what it is to walk in proper alignment, with people pouring the love of Christ into us and modeling how we would someday pour that  out into someone else. They loved us through the end of  the powerful addictions that had almost killed our marriage. We cannot put into words how thankful we are to Jesus for placing us in that anointed group and hand picking the people who would show us what it looks like to really love like Jesus. We are so thankful that they said "yes" to Jesus when He assigned them to us.
  Micah and I had met Jesus almost a year before but we were floundering. We were trying to follow Him as best we could with no instruction, no support and no real idea of how to do it at all. We were crouched down in a holding postion with our hands covering our necks like an elementary school tornado drill. We were barely speaking to each other and most nights Micah was still sleeping at his office. We had hope, but that was about it. We had tried a few churches and listened to every thing Chip Ingram had ever preached - that was about it for anything we had done together. But, being in that room with the small group Jesus had hand picked for our introduction season to Him was the next big step to our new life.

  The next morning, which happened to be Valentines Day- of which we; had never been fans of and especially back then, were not going to fake by expressing emotions that we didnt have for each other, Micah got up and put his wedding ring  on. He had not worn it the whole time we had been trying to walk this marriage back out. He is not a man who will do anything  unless it is real, and to be honest there wasnt enough of us that even felt like we were married for him to wear a wedding ring. He (sorta sarcastically) told me that that was my Valentines Day gift. What he didnt realize was that the real gift for me that day, was not that he put his ring on to signify our marriage ( that had not been changed by that morning) but to signify  his marriage with the Lord. The Lord had gone from Micah's head in to his heart that day. I knew that the Lord had asked him to put it on and not because he had fallen in love with me, but because he had fallen in love with Jesus he did it.

It is our love for Jesus before we had love for each other that has saved our marriage. 

The comment I added to my Fb post is : "besides, Valentines Day pales in comparison to the fact that I am planning my ReWedding!!!"